The company has developed a comprehensive, customer-tailored Head-End System (HES) to be used in pilot rollouts. In this system, the customer has the ability to control remote reading intervals and the processing of events.
Monitoring of the communication technology chosen (G3-PLC or G3-RF) by the transparent gateways is particularly interesting for understanding route determination in any pilot of Smart Metering networks.
ACN has developed a transparent gateway, called GW250, for the use case where the Smart City network, providing optical communication, is to be used for Smart Metering. In this case, end-to-end security is provided.The GW250 gateway is ideally suited for use together with ACN’s HES for pilot rollout. The GW250 gateway is ready for proof-of-concept tests.
The company provides evaluation setups to validate the advantages of using hybrid G3-PLC and G3-RF communications between our transparent gateways and Smart Meters. These setups allow for independent verification of both the performance advantages and increase in reliability.